NZJ60-3 Complete Set of Milling Rice Equipment
該設備由TQLQ100清糧機、6NLT36砻谷機、MGCZ100X12谷糙機、6NF15.8碾米機、6NF13.6碾米機、MMJM125白米分級篩及提升機等組成,具有産量高、米質好、出米率高、能耗低等優點。The equipment consists of TQLQ100 Grain Cleaner, 6NLT36 Husker, MGCZ100X12 separator, 6NF15.8 rice milling machine, 6NF13.6 rice milling machine, MMJM125 rice grading sieve and bucket elevator etc.It is high capacity and good quality, high rate of gaining rice and low energy consumption.
■ 技術參數 (Technology Parameters)
上一條:日産80-300噸成套碾米設備工程 |